Friday, May 21, 2010

Another Day

Today has been great. I get the next two weeks off and I am excited. I really enjoy my job but I need to get my house in order, literally! I need to paint and clean closests and do some deep cleaning. I am looking forward to getting this task started and finished. Is it just me or do you feel better about everything when your house is clean?

Earlier this week I had my husband pose for a picture with me. We are two big goofballs. I want to enter some challenges in the near future and I wanted to take a few fun photos. These are my favorite goofball pics. We are good together. He helps me to be better.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Sweet Angel

Y'all my sweet little girl has finished the second grade and she has to be one of the sweetest little girls in the world. Her second grade class was tasked with writing the graduating Seniors some words of wisdom. This is what she had to say:


I know Seniors leave their parents. But you can do it. All of you can do it. Don't be tempted. Don't be nervous. Never be nervous. Congratulations! Always have courage no matter what. College is wonderful. Always make good choices.

Your parents can't make you do your own homework. You have to do it by yourself. Don't be mean to others. Be nice to your teacher. Don't fight nobody. Never hate somebody you don't like. Love people, they want to be loved.

I love this kid. She makes me so proud. Have a great day and thanks for reading.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where in the World...

have I been? Nowhere. Just straight LAZY. No excuse. I have not scrapped a thing since Feb/March.

Lots going on and here's the skinny:
1. Finished our first round of P90X. It rocked.
2. Still working and enjoying that. I work with some wonderful women.
3. Had my B-day and that was over too fast.
4. Hubby gave me cash for my B-day and I spent it quick.
5. My teenager is still dramatic and working my last.
6. Son is in football and band and that has me running.
7. Oldest trying out for Volleyball and she is in night school due to moving from FL.
8. Getting ready for a Caribbean cruise.
9. I signed up to run my first 1/2 marathon...I think I must be crazy.
10. Started our second round of P90X.

That is life in a nutshell.
