Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's HOT!!!!

Hey Foxes!

It is hot in Pensacola. But who am I to talk, it has to be hotter in South FL. My husband asked me did I want to go to the beach today and I had an immediate thought of me being baked. I opted not to go. Instead we went Father's Day shopping for my husband to no avail. I think we are just going to use the money and take him to lunch or dinner. My husband is hard to shop for. How do you shop for a person who doesn't want anything? Like nothing at all. Just sucks the fun right out doesn't it? I always have a list of things that I want. Anyway, I am going to make his favorite dessert. He loves Fruit Pizza. It is a wonderful summer dessert.

This week I did a few LO's for Scraphappy. Christy gave me a few assignments. She wanted me to do a Father's Day LO and a Graduation LO. Here they are:

Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely weekend.
Holla' back,

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl!
    1'st off....beautiful layouts.
    I have to say that I feel you on the pains of having to shop for a gift for hubs, my problem is that my husband will search on the net until he finds the best deal on what ever it is that we need to buy, unlike me, I want it... I buy it and when I give it to him I have to always hear "Sexy, you could have gotten it for less here" so on that note, we make him cards and drawings and he gets his free pass to buy what ever the hell he needs to get all year long at the best rate :D Anyhoot, I hope you stay cool because it is hot as all hell down here but I'll take my S. FLA heat over the Northern cold any day :) Have a wonderful week.
    BIG hugs, Maryangella
