Saturday, August 15, 2009

Change is.....(pic Heavy)

In the last month, I have started a temporary job, cut off all my hair, visited my daddy in Ohio, took MyGirl to a photo shoot for a hair care magazine, and signed my children up for school. I have only scrapped 3 pages in a month. Do I sound pressed? Nope, 'cause I ain't. It is what it is. Here are two of the three LOs. I did these for Scraphappy back in July.

First things first, I like having a little job.I am making money for the first time in 7 years. Sweet wonderful paycheck....ahhh.

Next, I cut off all my hair and I swear I am a new women. My hair is fierce! I am FIERCE! Mr. Davis?....that is a whole 'nother subject. A brother was not too happy with my...change. He will be okay because I SWEAR I am ferocious! I am never going back to boring hair ever NEVER! This chic in ATL cut my hair and she is FAB! Now I have to drive 5 hours to get my hair cut...what was I thinkin'? It is so worth it!!!! Check it out.

Next, I got to see my Daddy. I love my DADDY!!!!! (sigh) I don't know what it is, but I love him so much! I wish we didn't live 14 hours away. He is a wonderful Granddaddy. The kids look forward to playing UNO with him. It's one of the things they share with Granddaddy. He tells them he is going to burn their biscuits in UNO. Yeah, this year the seven year old beat him. Oh well.
Check out MyGirl. She is so grown up. I wish you all could have seen her in the photo shoot...she's a beast! She can take some pics. I loved her makeup and hair. These are the pics I took of her after the shoot.

Last but not least. Starting in a few weeks, my children will be in school. After 5 years I will no longer be a homeschool mom. I have mixed emotions about all of this. I am experiencing feelings of joy, happiness, elation, and excitement. Those are all emotions aren't they? My goodness, I am so excited. NO MORE PEOPLE AT HOME with ME!!!! YAY!!!! But for real, I really do have mixed emotions, the kind that will lead to dancing in the street and outbursts of random singing. August 24th is going to be a new page in the chapter of my life. In honor of back to school, how about a video (recommended by my friend Brick):


  1. Welcome back to the blogging world girl!
    First are NOT kidding when you say your hair is fierce, you you fabulous!!!!! And if I may say, that do makes you look younger. Now, your baby girl is beautiful, ahhhhh! to be young and have such wonderful skin :)
    Last but not least, your layouts are beautiful! As for the "sending the kids to school" they will be ok, you raised them to be honest, good kids and they will do right by you. Have a wonderful weekend, BTW stop by Point Blank Period, it;s a new challenge blog that Sasha started, I have the blinkie on the top left hand side of my blog. She will not dissapoint with the moo inspiration.
    BIG hugs and glad you posted :)

  2. Oh my gosh, how did I miss your post!! I totally miss reading your blog and am so glad you are back. COngrats on all the change :) And I think you better lock up you AND your daughter - gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!

  3. Girl your hair looks Awesome! I only wish I looked that good in short hair! Everybody can't wear short do's like that, but you can definately pull it off!!! Your daughter looks like an angel in those pics, I am sure the photo shoot was amazing! Ok, and lastly, I so DO NOT like my daughter going back to school, it makes me so darn sad that she's growing up. BUT... That video was freakin
    hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! L8R!
