Monday, January 25, 2010


Do not cross state lines with a child in high school. Poor Tyler (my oldest daughter, I call her MyGirl). She has started back in school today in AL and she has none of the "right" core classes. Bless her heart, she has to take night classes for 8 weeks and 2 sessions of summer school to get the "right" core classes. I feel so bad for her. You know what she said, "Well Mom, I won't be alone (her school is not the best)." She had a way better attitude than I did. I don't think she has considered the amount of time she will have to be in school. This is nuts!

Today, I am thankful for a journal. I am going to pitch a full fledged hissy-fit in that thing today. I mean I am going to let it all out on that poor piece of paper. I need to get these emotions out. I love to read blogs where people just say what they think and are so unapologetic about it. That's why I love my journal, I can say whatever, and no one knows but me and Jesus! I need a place to be honest. What about you? Where do you go to be perfectly honest?


  1. Awwwwww so so sory that Tyler has to go through all that extra work but LOOOOVING her way of thinking...good job mama!
    Now for the question of where I go to vent, I have great women in my life who are always willing to lend and ear, I vent on my blog and I vent on FaceBook. I don't vent often but if and when I do I got places to go, all depending on how deep the venting is ; )
    Oh Yeah!!!!! I also vent to Mr Hubby unless he is the cause of the venting and that's when I call my girls : )
    Have a wonderful rest of the week!
    (((((BIG hugs)))))

  2. Hey Carla! I hope things are going good and we miss you! Colleen
