Monday, February 23, 2009

Can you say BOGO?

Okay, not sure I have shared with you all about my new fascination with makeup. I went 34 years with little to no makeup. I want to wear it, but sometimes I think what is the use? I slather my face with all that stuff and I still look like....well me. At some point aren't you suppose to look flawless. I am hoping to find the flawless look eventually. Who knew makeup was so very expensive? I am going to have to stick with the drug store brand until I can make a small fortune for the department store stuff. Who knew you had to have these fancy brushes to apply all that stuff. Who knew you needed to wash, clarify, moisturize, prime, apply foundation, apply eye shadow foundation, extend your eyebrows, add shadow, apply lip liner, lipstick and a gloss. No wonder I don't do this everyday. It is a whole lot of effort. However, considering age is not just a number....I am going to learn how to put this stuff on and wear it well.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, my favorite drug store makeup is HIP by L'oreal and it is on BOGO (buy one get one free) at Walgreens. Gotta love a BOGO. Issues........

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