Thursday, March 5, 2009

DUDE, for real?

That is the kind of day I had today. It is late, I am looking over some things and I needed to update blog land. I have so many thoughts going through my head I can't even articulate. I can imagine it would be so easy to fall into the trap of bearing my soul to the whole wide world on the web but I have discovered only about 5 people care anyway so why bother.

I am tired of gloom and doom in the news. We made this mess America, and like God told Job, "Brace yourself like a man." (totally out of context) It is time to man up people.

Heck, I need to man up. For real!

You know, we are all searching for answers to this, that, and the other, but I am beginning to think that there are very few answers. At least there are very few answers to raising teen age girls except one that goes like this, "Please Lord, help me so that I don't go to jail for knocking this kids block OFF!" Some of y'all know what I am talking about. Count to ten? Please. We need to teach our children to count to ten. Like, count ten steps away from yo' mama before you say something smart. Count to ten before you decide to pop your brother upside his head. Count to ten before you decide to roll your eyes at me. We need to teach them people to count to ten! Count to ten...please. 10 ain't enough. Who picked 10? Depending on what they have done I might need to count to 4 hundred and 10. If you want to help us parents, tell us to run some laps, do some push ups and chin-ups, or something! I swear I'd be the finest mama ever.

Yep, I think I have just invented the next exercise fad.

Anyway, I need to simmer down. I was about to get on a roll.

Good Night Girls. Y'all ponder that.


  1. If you were just about to get on a roll, I'd hate to see what on the roll looks like.

    So I guess doing the MC Hammer does not work anymore huh, since you've resorted to counting to 10... or 410 (depending on the sitchation).

  2. I feel ya on this counting to 10 thing.
    Sometimes I need to lock myself in the room for a minute or two because I am ready to flip my lid and our girls are only 2 and 5 so needless to say I am scared of the teen years. Back in the days you knew you were going to get the beat down IF you said or did something foolish but that is a cycle I have chosen to break... so I resort to counting like you or locking me up in the room, next step might be hitting the bottle LOL. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Oh how the teenage years scare me.... Thanks for visiting my blog - now I'm off to check out more of yours!
