Saturday, March 28, 2009

Good day! Brick here again. I noticed that our friend Chuxfox only has 4... look at the list...4 people following her blog. Now I'm pretty sure that there are more than 4 of us signed up to follow Me, Myself and.....Them (BTW my user name is Bean-Counter, Brick is what my husband refers to me as- short for Brick

Most bloggers have blogs to communicate to anyone whose part of the blogging community, but in order for them to communicate more effectively to potential bloggers and blog readers, they've got to have Followers. So come on people!- sign up as a F0llower on Me, Myself and.....Them. If your Followers (provided you are blogging) see who you are following then that will drive more traffic to the followees blog and they will get more Followers. Dig it?!


  1. Laughing because I had been reading her blog for a while and finally signed up yesterday! Brick do you have a blog too?

  2. Hey the name! I did not have a blog yet, but you can find me on FaceBook and Twitter. Email me at and I'll give you my user name to find me.


  3. Sorry... meant to say "do not have a blog yet" in previous message to icecheeks. Hee Hee

  4. Thanks :) I haven't yet delved into
