Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Layout and photos

Quick reminder: If you want to join us for the challenge on tomorrow please see the older post from April 1st. The theme is "What do you say in a day?" Email me your layout and I will add it tomorrow.

Now, here are some Easter pictures of my family and an Easter layout. It is very simple.

See ya later. Check back tomorrow to see all the layouts from the challenge.


  1. What a beautiful family!! I love the layout - you're a fast scrapper girl.. I haven't even edited/developed my pics yet!

  2. You are too kind! I have never taken a class but would love to! Sometimes everything just comes together and you get that perfect shot :) I have a few different programs I use but the easiest one (and free) by far is www.picnik.com - if you need any help, just ask! And btw, your scrapping is beautiful, don't ever compare to anyone else...I was just saying this morning how hard it is to not be too overcritical of your (my) own work!

  3. Girly Girl!
    Your family pictures are beautiful!
    And you RAWKED the bejeezus out of that layout.
    I can not believe I missed the cut off for your challenge, things got really busy here with Spring Break, Easter and the imfamous CROUP and then EAR INFECTIONS with our 2 years old :( I will catch you next time. Have a gerat day.
